Blue Lasers for Laser Wire Deposition

Blue Lasers for Laser Wire Deposition

With the recent growth in the adoption of laser wire deposition systems and the parallel technological advancements in shorter wavelength direct diode lasers, the second generation of Laser wire ded systems from Meltio are built on custom process-specific blue laser...
Mold with Conformal Cooling Channels

Mold with Conformal Cooling Channels

Plastic injection is one of the most affordable and widespread processes for mass production purposes in the industry of thermoplastic polymers. It involves four main stages: (i) injection of molten plastic, (ii) compacting in the mold, (iii) cooling process and (iv)...
Advantages of Additive Manufacturing

Advantages of Additive Manufacturing

There are several industrial possibilities within additive technology that can change the future and bring the industrial world into a new era. In this blog post, you will find some of the most important features of metal 3D printing which constitutes the strength of...
What is Laser Metal Deposition

What is Laser Metal Deposition

Laser Metal Deposition (LMD) is one of the branches of DED (Direct Energy Deposition) and one of the youngest branches of metal 3D printing, and W-LMD is a type of technology whose basic raw material is welding wire. But let’s come back to the very beginning of metal...
The benefits of a Wire-based 3D Printing Process

The benefits of a Wire-based 3D Printing Process

The use of wire feedstock with a laser energy source in DED has gained momentum in recent years, with increasing research and industrial applications. These features make it a new and promising option in the field of additive manufacturing, generating significant...
Robotic Arm Metal 3D Printing

Robotic Arm Metal 3D Printing

Robot arm 3D printing, also known as robotic 3D printing or robotic additive manufacturing, combines a 3D printer head that extrudes materials with a multi-axis robotic arm, resulting in a highly versatile 3D printer compared to traditional models. The utilization of...