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500 systems
Leading the Present to Manufacture the Future
Discover real stories from our trusted clients who are already printing the future of manufacturing thanks to Meltio’s unique technology
Ian Sandusky
Contributor / Practical Machinist
” You’d be paying a lot of money to sink EDM or something but with this it comes out with materials only where you want.
“And you can see that it looks like that has been machined on the inside, there’s no voids, there’s no cracks, there’s no holes. “
Practical Machinist is the Largest Manufacturing Technology Community on the Web.
Sun Tao
Associate Professor / Northwestern University
” We were looking for a metal 3D printing technology with a compact metal 3D printer and that is one of the main advantages of adopting Meltio’s technology. The Meltio M450 metal 3D printer allows us to work with various materials.
My students have published two papers on Meltio’s DED technology and we can conclude that it is satisfactory and positive. We printed stainless steel and the experience was very adequate with the M450. We also highlight the Dual-Wire. “
Northwestern University is an American University that uses Meltio’s technology for research purposes.
Gary Williams
Professor / Activate Learning
” We chose the Meltio basically because of what it provides. So as long as you can weld the material, we can 3D print it and there’s no extra process after the 3D print. You’re left with a 3D print that you can then machine using a CNC.”
“The other systems that we looked at required processing of the 3D print, which was costly to get your finished print.“
Activate Learning is an education provider in the UK.
Manuel Poyatos and Julia Ureña
Engineer and Material Specialist / Cetemet
” I think it’s a technology that you can research also produce parts with a relativity low-cost.
“I think it’s very useful because it’s a small machine, it’s very versatile. “
Cetemet is a technological Center that supports the technological development of the metal-mechanical and transport sectors.
Daniel Hasic
3D Printing Specialist / ROEZ
” I don’t know how much Meltio saved us, but I can tell you it saved us a lot, and then that’s why we bought the Meltio, to print this case and to reduce the cost of the machining and also reduce the cost of the raw material.
We chose the Meltio M450 as our first choice because we can print a lot of materials directly from the package. “
ROEZ is a Slovakian supplier of operating sets and investment units using a Meltio M450

Mikel Irijalba
Additive Manufacturing Engineer / Hirudi
” There are several positive aspects of working with Meltio’s technology: easy-to-use, faster than WAAM, allows materials that aren’t in the portfolio so it is an open materials platform, the Meltio Horizon software is a very useful tool, it is quite easy to start printing, among others.
We chose Meltio because of the density and metal integrity of the parts and the different materials we can print without much cost in changing one material to another material. And, on top of that, the price of the parts is lower than other technologies. “
Hirudi is a Spanish company that provides specialized Additive Manufacturing services and consultancy using a Meltio M450.

Evangelia Karaxi
Managing Director / Conify
” We were able to come up with one research that was based on the additive manufacturing of customized mold inserts and Meltio technology, the wire-based Meltio DED system, with the dual wire capability, was the ideal solution for this project.
Meltio can provide a fast and not costly solution for prototyping or end-use parts production. It is relatively easy to use because it’s actually a composite software that is being used in FFF technologies, like specific software for the build preparation work. “
Conify is a Greek company that offers the development of new AM-compatible materials using a Meltio M450.
Mario Ramírez
Research & Development Engineer / AIDIMME
“The combination of the Additive Manufacturing and a milling machine it’s a great system to produce and repair parts. This technology is pretty good especially for repairing, because we can add material on top of these damaged parts, mill these parts, and make them functional again.
“Meltio’s technology is bringing a lot of benefits to the industry because of its flexibility. You can produce parts, combine different materials, and repair parts that have been damaged. “
AIDIMME is a Spanish research center that uses Meltio’s technology for research purposes using a Meltio M450 and a Meltio Engine CNC Integration.
Francesc Martínez
R&D Integrations Director / Sivó
” If we compare with other makers of laser, with Meltio we’ve had the clearer deposition in thousands of parts, and that is nice to see. We can also make some parts that are impossible to make without Meltio’s technology.
We can produce one part with one configuration, then another one with a total different one. Without Meltio’s technology, we wouldn’t be able to do it because the costs would be too high. “
Sivó is a Spanish company specialized in the repair of glass molds using a Meltio Engine CNC Integration.
Miguel Peñaranda
Additive Manufacturing Engineer / K3D
” We chose the Meltio product because we found the best balance between high deposition rates and good quality for the task at hand.
Meltio represents for us the right balance between a high deposition speed as well as a high printing size with the best feasible quality or resolution. “
K3D is a Dutch Service Bureau that prints different parts for end-users across various industries using a Meltio M450 and a Meltio Engine Robot Integration.
Diego Campoverde
Innovation Technician / Holcim
” This system helps us to obtain spare parts in less time, spending less money, so we save money.
I think this technology has more benefits related to features like surface finish, it helps us to get more precision. “
Holcim is an International company, leader in seaborne trading of cementitious products.